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Jesús Gerardo Agustín Ortega Téllez



Jesús Gerardo Agustín Ortega Téllez

Jesús Gerardo Agustín Ortega Téllez



Jesús Gerardo Agustín Ortega Téllez

Jesús Gerardo Agustín Ortega Téllez


Regional experience

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Profile & Experience

Regional experience
Full Profile

Agustín graduated from Universidad La Salle in 2007, obtaining his license to practice as a lawyer in 2010. In 2012, he earned his LLM in Comparative and International Dispute Resolution from Queen Mary University of London. He has a diploma in international arbitration from the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and a diploma in private mediation from Escuela Libre de Derecho.

He specializes in international commercial and investment dispute resolution and has acted as counsel in arbitrations under the rules of the LCIA, ICC, ICSID, IACAC, CANACO and CAM, as well as in ad-hoc procedures. He is listed as an arbitrator and mediator in CANACO and CAM.

Agustín is a certified private mediator by Mexico City’s Superior Court of Justice and academic coordinator of the ADR Committee in the National Association of Corporate Lawyers (ANADE). He has also taught Public International Law at Universidad Anáhuac.

Prior to joining the Firm, Agustín was an in-house counsel for the arbitration team of CFE (Mexico’s state-owned electric utility), legal advisor to the Foreign Affairs Committee at the Mexican Senate, Deputy Director and Head of Department at the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

While at CFE, he got to lecture and train other lawyers in dispute resolution under NAFTA and USMCA. He also drafted risk assessments for CFE’s General Counsel on the implications under free trade and investment treaties (NAFTA, USMCA, CPTPP and BITs) of the amendments proposed for the energy sector by the current administration.

Agustín was recently invited as an expert speaker at ANADE’s session to analyse the award rendered in the ICSID case “Lion Mexico Consolidated L.P. v. United Mexican States”.



  • International Arbitration