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Carolyn Morgan-Welker



Carolyn Morgan-Welker

Carolyn Morgan-Welker



Carolyn Morgan-Welker

Carolyn Morgan-Welker


Carolyn is an Associate specialising in Planning, Infrastructure and Environmental Law. 

Regional experience

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Profile & Experience

Carolyn is an Associate specialising in Planning, Infrastructure and Environmental Law. 

Regional experience
Full Profile

Carolyn is an experienced associate, specialising in planning and environmental law. She qualified in 2014.

Her planning law expertise covers both core planning development under the Town and Country Planning Act and specialist infrastructure projects under the Planning Act 2008 (NSIP).  She has experience of residential schemes, retail and mixed-use regeneration, commercial projects, strategic development and advises on planning and highway agreements, environmental impact assessment, compulsory purchase, listed buildings and enforcement. On the contentious side, Carolyn’s experience includes judicial review, planning appeals and NSIP examinations.

On the environmental front, Carolyn regularly advises on matters concerning land contamination, water pollution, waste, air quality, noise and statutory nuisance.

  • Infrastructure (Transport) - Assisting and advising Associated British Ports in relation to the Lake Lothing (Lowestoft) Third Crossing Development Consent Order application and examination
  • Infrastructure (Transport) - Assisting and advising Associated British Ports in relation to Welsh Government's M4 proposal
  • Planning - Advising in respect of an outline application for the proposed re-development of 167 hectares of brownfield land in Essex to provide up to 480,000m2 of commercial development
  • Planning – Assisting with inquiry for residential development of 1,000+ homes, golf course and facilities including hotel on land at and surrounding a Registered Park and Garden of Special Historic Interest
  • Planning AND Environment – Successfully pursing a judicial review challenge of a planning permission in the High Court on behalf of CEMEX UK Operations Limited
  • Planning - Advising clients in connection with CPO proceedings before the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber)
  • Environment - Advising clients as to potential appeals against the Environment Agency
  • Environment - Negotiating waste transfer agreements 


  • Energy & Natural Resources

  • Infrastructure



  • Environmental Law

  • Projects & Construction

  • Real Estate