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Lu Yuan Leong

Legal Director


Lu Yuan Leong

Lu Yuan Leong

Legal Director


Leong Lu Yuan

Leong Lu Yuan

Legal Director



  • Marine

  • Trade & Commodities



  • Commercial Disputes

  • International Arbitration

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Lu Yuan's practice is centred around contentious and non-contentious shipping and international trade matters.

Regional experience
Full Profile

Lu Yuan has substantial experience in transport and trade disputes both before the Singapore Courts and in local and international arbitrations conducted under SIAC, SCMA, HKIAC and CIETAC rules. 

Lu Yuan represents insurers, P&I Clubs, cargo interests, logistics service providers, ship agents and shipowners in a broad range of wet and dry shipping matters.

Lu Yuan's contentious shipping experience includes ship collisions, oil pollution matters, charterparty disputes, claims for mis-delivery of cargo, cargo damage and loss of cargo, disposal of abandoned cargo carried by air and sea, and marine insurance claims involving issues such as insufficient packaging, inherent vice and fraud.

Lu Yuan also advises on non-contentious and transactional matters, including advising on and drafting contracts for the provision of the sale and purchase of vessels, shipbuilding contracts, crew agreements, standard fixture note / charterparty terms, and contracts for the sale and purchase of bulk cargo.

Lu Yuan has been accredited as a Senior Accredited Specialist (Maritime & Shipping) by the Singapore Academy of Law, and is an Associate Mediator (Maritime Panel) of the Singapore Mediation Centre and is a Fellow of the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators (SIArb).

  • Acted for shipowners in an arbitration relating to charterparty and dredging disputes arising out of the construction of a major container terminal

  • Acted for an offshore services company in an interpleader action and secured the return of equipment valued in excess of USD 30 million, claimed by multiple parties

  • Acted for the respondent in an arbitration with shipbuilders in a dispute in respect of the sale and purchase of an offshore vessel valued in excess of USD 200 million

  • Acted for carriers in relation to a loss of and/or damage to over 200 containers as a result of a tropical cyclone

  • Acted for shipbuilders in an interpleader action in respect of uncompleted vessels claimed by multiple parties

  • Obtained an acquittal for ship agents prosecuted in respect of an allegeddischarge / spillage of oil into Singapore waters at an oil terminal

  • Acted for shipowners in relation to the grounding of a barge off Horsburgh lighthouse at Singapore

  • Acted for shipowners in relation to the grounding of a vessel in Myanmar


  • Marine

  • Trade & Commodities



  • Commercial Disputes

  • International Arbitration