2023 could see changes to cookie regulation

  • Market Insight 22 December 2022 22 December 2022
  • Asia Pacific, North America, UK & Europe

  • MGA

New Bill could introduce ‘opt in’ model as opposed to current opt out system

The role of cookies has been a hot topic in the cyber industry this year, following the large fines issued by the French data protection authority against Google and Facebook for non-compliance with cookie legislation at the end of 2021.

Current regulation surrounding cookies has been a source of frustration, with some companies commenting that compliance is losing them business. The new Data Protection and Digital Information Bill (which was introduced into Parliament in July 2022, but stalled with the changes in Prime Minister and is currently due to be updated further) in its current form proposes reforms to cookie regulation, which allows websites to use an ‘opt-out’ rather than an ‘opt-in’ model for cookie consent, reducing the need for users to click through consent banners, which could come as a welcome change. Should this change remain in the version of the Bill that becomes law, then consenting to cookies every time you enter a new website may become a thing of the past.

What is in little doubt is that a lot will be happening in the world of cyber risk in 2023.

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