Fire Podcast - Episode 1: Timber Framed Buildings

  • Podcast 01 November 2021 01 November 2021
  • UK & Europe

  • Insurance

Edwin Millburn, Partner, Clyde & Co and Ian Major, Regional Manager at Hawkins Forensic Investigators consider Timber Framed Buildings and Fire Protection Measures.

Edwin and Ian cover:

  • The various types of fire protection.
  • The regulatory requirements.
  • Cavity barriers.
  • Specific guidance for timber framed buildings.
  • Problems they are seeing in relation to timber framed buildings and fires.
  • Ideas on ways in which the industry could improve its response to these issues.

*This recording was made by BLM prior to its merger with Clyde & Co.




Additional authors:

Ian Major, Regional Manager, Hawkins Forensic Investigators

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