Our specialist financial professions team is renowned for its financial services and dispute resolution capabilities.

We advise insurers on coverage in relation to claims against investment advisers, asset managers and hedge funds.

We have considerable experience in drafting polices dealing with coverage issues and advising insurers and the insured on the defence of complex claims, in what is a continually changing and expanding.

Our team provides focused risk management and advice tailored to the commercial, regulatory and reputational pressures financial professionals face. We can provide general errors and omissions risk management and pre-litigation risk mitigation advisory services to professional firms. We also advise insurers active in the professional liability market on policy drafting, and offer monitoring, coverage and claims notification agency services.

Our Financial Services Work

  • All
  • UK & Europe
  • Cross-border contract dispute for insurer client

    Acting for a major insurer in a multi-million pound cross border contract dispute following the counterpartys material breach of contract, advising on the English law aspects and quarterbacking overall strategy in multiple strands of the case in France and England.

    United Kingdom

    Cross-border litigation involving fraud and breach of contract

    Acting for a major corporate in cross border litigation relating to fraud and breach of contract with total claims in excess of £1bn. Including handling breach of trust litigation is London with various ancillary freezing orders and overseeing Arbitrations and criminal proceedings in Italy and fraud claims in New York.

    United Kingdom

    Dispute concerning complex copyright infringement

    Acting for a software developer in a complex copyright infringement, breach of contract and confidential information claim which resulted in a lengthy trial in the Chancery Division of the High Court.

    United Kingdom

    Software dispute

    Successfully defending a software company in a dispute concerning the alleged misuse of confidential information, trade secrets and copyright.

    United Kingdom
  • Cross-border contract dispute for insurer client

    Acting for a major insurer in a multi-million pound cross border contract dispute following the counterpartys material breach of contract, advising on the English law aspects and quarterbacking overall strategy in multiple strands of the case in France and England.

    United Kingdom

    Cross-border litigation involving fraud and breach of contract

    Acting for a major corporate in cross border litigation relating to fraud and breach of contract with total claims in excess of £1bn. Including handling breach of trust litigation is London with various ancillary freezing orders and overseeing Arbitrations and criminal proceedings in Italy and fraud claims in New York.

    United Kingdom

    Dispute concerning complex copyright infringement

    Acting for a software developer in a complex copyright infringement, breach of contract and confidential information claim which resulted in a lengthy trial in the Chancery Division of the High Court.

    United Kingdom

    Software dispute

    Successfully defending a software company in a dispute concerning the alleged misuse of confidential information, trade secrets and copyright.

    United Kingdom

Our Financial Services team

James Cooper
James Cooper


Laura Cooke
Laura Cooke


James Preece
James Preece


David Méheut
David Méheut


Dr. Henning Schaloske
Dr. Henning Schaloske


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