Regulatory movement | Regulatory & Investigations
Less than one year to go! How FAR along is your organisation with implementation planning? (Part 2/3
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We advise insurers on coverage in relation to claims against investment advisers, asset managers and hedge funds.
We have considerable experience in drafting polices dealing with coverage issues and advising insurers and the insured on the defence of complex claims, in what is a continually changing and expanding.
Our team provides focused risk management and advice tailored to the commercial, regulatory and reputational pressures financial professionals face. We can provide general errors and omissions risk management and pre-litigation risk mitigation advisory services to professional firms. We also advise insurers active in the professional liability market on policy drafting, and offer monitoring, coverage and claims notification agency services.
Advising numerous operators regarding aircraft charter, wet lease and dry lease agreements
Acting for a London airport operator regarding slots, ground handling issues and charging regulations
Advising airport operators regarding slots, airport charges, groundhandling, liability and international standards, emergency planning;
Advice regarding airworthiness and type design compliance demonstration and certification for civil and military platforms
Advising various airlines, investors and the European Commission regarding EU external relations, horizontal agreements, open skies agreements and bilateral air services agreements; Advising a non-EU airline and its government in its negotiations with the European Commission on an EU horizontal agreement
Advising on more than 50 slot sales, purchases and other transactions, including acting for Flybe in the sale of its slot portfolio at Gatwick to easyJet, and acting for British Airways in the landmark High Court case which confirmed that slots may be traded.
Advising stakeholders on the carriage of hazardous goods by air and land; advising carrier regarding handling of mercury spillage
Advising numerous airlines and other stakeholders on aviation regulatory issues including EU nationality of ownership and control rules, EU ETS, air passenger rights (including under Regulation (EC) 261/2004), ATOL and package travel rules, Air Passenger Duty, passengers with reduced mobility, the carriage on unaccompanied minors, airline licencing and operating permits, security and counter-terrorism for civil aviation. Advising on web based selling and price transparency rules.
Advising UAS operator regarding access to airspace, airworthiness and radio spectrum usage; advising European Commission on liability and insurance aspects of a UAS study
Advising numerous operators regarding aircraft charter, wet lease and dry lease agreements
Acting for a London airport operator regarding slots, ground handling issues and charging regulations
Advising airport operators regarding slots, airport charges, groundhandling, liability and international standards, emergency planning;
Advice regarding airworthiness and type design compliance demonstration and certification for civil and military platforms
Advising various airlines, investors and the European Commission regarding EU external relations, horizontal agreements, open skies agreements and bilateral air services agreements; Advising a non-EU airline and its government in its negotiations with the European Commission on an EU horizontal agreement
Advising on more than 50 slot sales, purchases and other transactions, including acting for Flybe in the sale of its slot portfolio at Gatwick to easyJet, and acting for British Airways in the landmark High Court case which confirmed that slots may be traded.
Advising stakeholders on the carriage of hazardous goods by air and land; advising carrier regarding handling of mercury spillage
Advising numerous airlines and other stakeholders on aviation regulatory issues including EU nationality of ownership and control rules, EU ETS, air passenger rights (including under Regulation (EC) 261/2004), ATOL and package travel rules, Air Passenger Duty, passengers with reduced mobility, the carriage on unaccompanied minors, airline licencing and operating permits, security and counter-terrorism for civil aviation. Advising on web based selling and price transparency rules.
Advising UAS operator regarding access to airspace, airworthiness and radio spectrum usage; advising European Commission on liability and insurance aspects of a UAS study
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