
LCAW 2021 - Climate Change Mitigation: Commercial Law, Contracts, Disputes, Damages

Monday, June 28, 2021
14.00 - 15.00
Climate Change Risk Practice

LCAW 2021 - Climate Change Mitigation: Commercial Law, Contracts, Disputes, Damages

Monday, June 28, 2021
14.00 - 15.00
Climate Change Risk Practice


Join a lively panel of experts to discuss the following questions and more!

  • How can clients draft contracts in order to minimise the risk of climate change related claims and ensure such claims are dealt with efficiently?
  • Will the global push for net zero result in a new wave of investor-state claims?
  • How are existing commercial contracts exposed to climate change-related litigation risk and are there any trends that can be identified in this regard?
  • Are damages awards part of the drivers toward net zero or just a result of it?

The session will be chaired by Wendy Miles QC (Twenty Essex). The expert panellists are: Mark Clarke (White & Case), Colin Johnson (HKA) and Richard Power (Clyde & Co).

This event is jointly hosted by Clyde & Co, HKA, Twenty Essex and White & Case. By registering for the event you acknowledge that your information will be used by Clyde & Co , HKA, Twenty Essex and White & Case to communicate with you regarding this event. For further information on how the hosts handle your personal information, please visit for Clyde & Co, for HKA, for Twenty Essex, and for White & Case