Biodiversity liability in law and practice conference
Thursday, May 11, 2023
14.00 - 19.00
London, The St Botolph Building
Climate Change Risk Practice
Biodiversity liability in law and practice conference
Biodiversity liability risk has been gaining traction in the corporate world for the past two years.
Increasing understanding of the reliance of the global economy on biodiversity and the impacts of biodiversity loss on companies and financial markets has brought this topic to the forefront of thinking on emerging risks. With the introduction of new standards for due diligence and emerging reporting standards through the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures, or TNFD, biodiversity risk is a growing aspect of ESG risk management and is set to remain on the corporate radar.
Our 'Biodiversity liability in law and practice conference' will explore the topic of biodiversity liability risk in two specific areas, the financial sector and the construction industry, through a combination of interactive expert panels and audience discussion.
The discussion will build on our 2022 Biodiversity liability and value chain risk report and cover further topics, such as biodiversity liability risk for directors and officers, and insurance and construction industries’ responses to this increasing threat.
- 2:00pm Welcome and opening remarks
- 2:15pm Panel 1 - Biodiversity risk and financial sector
- 3:30pm Panel 2 - Biodiversity risk and construction industry
- 4:45pm Closing remarks
- 5:00pm Drinks and canapes